Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Final Project

For your final project consider these 3 options. ...

Create a series of works that represent a new idea, or represents a theme related to your senior exhibition.  (Seniors taking Senior Portfolio in the spring must take this option)

or option 2

Create more work based on an idea that you developed in one of the earlier projects.  

or option 3

Develop a series based around a topic from the class text, or another topic we haven't approached in class already.  

then, this will be the order of assignment deadlines....

Step 1: Proposal

You will need to turn in a one page written proposal for this project, that is due at the end of the day Thursday 11/7.  In your proposal I want you to reference two artists whose work you used for inspiration for your idea. You may get your research from the class text, or Lensculture, one of the two. You can use others but only as extra sources. (50 points) 

Step 2: Check ups

We will meet for a one on one for check up critiques on 11/19 (50 points)

Step 3: Crit

images due at the beginning of class Friday Dec 6th.  You will exhibit a series of 5 images, we will crit them in class.  

Email to me your Lightroom contact sheet PDF of all the images shot for this assignment (minimum 150), and I also want all the original PSD files for the Final images.  (200 points)

Step 4: Exhibition

We will be meeting on Friday December 6th from 8am-10am (Designated Final Exam Time).  We will go over printing and mounting works for the Hallway Gallery Exhibition.  Each student may print 1-3 images (must be larger than 11x17) and mount, frame, or matte them.  Images may come from any part of the class.  Must be hanging by end of the day.  (100 points)

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