For the first project this year I want you to document something that you love. I want you to really think about that word and all the ideas that come with it. Love and desire can be the most wonderful feeling, but it is also a powerful feeling, one that we can not control. sometimes it makes us do weird things. Please remember that love and desire can manifest in ways that are not always happy, healthy, or pleasant. Love is not simple, and your work should show all the ways this person, place, thing, etc has an effect on your life. Romantic love can be considered for this project but I'd like you to consider it more openly if possible.
- Bring at least three photo for Tue 9/3 and be prepared to discuss in class
- Bring in on 9/12,Make 50-100 exposures, RAW processed and edited.
- In class - Saved series of 6-10 images in B/W due for Silent Critique, later final physical prints due for Midterm critique. due by the end of class.
Photographers often make the best work when they can focus on what they know best. We often approach the making of images from a variety of vantage points, and the images we make can mean different things to different people. We are all influenced by our particular time and place, our experience and opportunities as well as our beliefs and prejudices. How can photography teach us something about how you are as a person? What is it's role in your life? How does your autobiography and your own images align? Take a stand. Go out on a limb. For this assignment I want you to write your own manifesto in photographs. Using the paired down language of Black & White images show us what matters to you.
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