1. Sign in on the computer closest to the printer. The same one I use. Do your image editing in Photoshop.
2. If resizing to fit your image on paper, you may do so automatically in the print dialog box. If you chose to do it in Photoshop, please make sure to use a resolution of 220-300 ppi if possible, without upsizing the overall resolution or file size.
3. Go to file - Print. Select the Epson Sylus 7880 Printer. Make sure you select the right printer or the rest of this will not work out the same.
4. Click on print settings to open the printer dialog box. Click on the correct paper size. Underneath that, where it says layout, click on that to pull up the print settings. Select the paper you are using.
5. Exit out of the print settings, and go back to the Photoshop print window. Where it says color handling. Make sure it says Photoshop Manages Color. Make sure you select the ICC profile that corresponds to your paper. This will make it so your print matches what you see on screen (as close as possible).
To create a digital negative:
Using Photoshop, create the artwork that you want to cyanotype,
sized appropriately for the piece of knitting. The finished will be the same size as the negative.
Convert the image to grayscale.
Flip the graphic from left to right, so that any lettering is now backwards.
You do this because when printing, the negative will be placed face down, ie. ink-side down.
Invert colors to make it a negative.
Print the finished graphic onto inkjet transparency film.
Get some Pictorico Premium Overhead Transparency Film (OHP) from Prof. Ireland.
Using an inkjet printer, print the reversed image onto the OHP film
at whatever size you want the final image to be but as big as letter size.
Since this is a contact printing technique whatever size you make the negative will render
the same size on the printing surface.